Inspire Dental Group Picnic 2021

Inspire Dental Group Picnic 2021
Last month Inspire Dental Group held a company picnic at Como Lake Park. We were finally able to reunite as a team after the long months of being separated due to the pandemic. It is such a blessing to be able to get together with your co-workers and spend time outside of the busy office. A huge shout out to everyone who made this event possible, it was a great time and much needed!

As you may know, we follow the CDC recommendations and take them very seriously. This means that we are still wearing PPE and masks at work. Being able to come together outdoors without the requirement of masks was a breath of fresh air, literally! Staff members were able to meet one another face-to-face without being masked and had the chance to bond on a more personal level.
We had catered lunch by Buffalo’s Best Catering, outdoor games, raffles, awards, and a visit from Sweet Melody’s Gelato truck! We also ran a canned food drive and were able to collect over 600 cans/non-perishable goods. We started off the picnic by utilizing the cans/boxes for a team building exercise. Everyone was split into 6 different groups with the same number of goods and were to build an object using those goods. The teamwork was remarkable, and we had so much fun.

Here was the winning design! Congratulations to those who nailed the Inspire logo!

Our management team was able to get together this week and made a trip to FeedMore WNY to donate everything that was collected at the picnic. The individuals who helped us carry in the goods were so kind and nothing short of amazing. We are very happy we were able to bring in as much as we did. Thank you to everyone who helped and donated.

Our theme for the picnic was ‘Back to the Basics’ and we really wanted to exemplify our company values and remind our staff why they mean so much to us. We live by these values and encourage our employees to portray them every chance they get.

We are thankful for such a wonderful group of people that we call our work family. If you are interested in learning more about what we do for our staff and patients be sure to check us out on Instagram @inspiredentalgroupwny and on Facebook @InspireDentalGroup.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our team, please send your resume to [email protected] and we will be in touch!